Shimla, March 24 :  The Himachal Pradesh government on Tuesday announced a state-wide curfew to combat the spread of coronavirus.

Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur said the curfew will come into force in all the 12 districts of the hill state at 5 pm on Tuesday.

Thakur said the state government was forced to take the step as several people were not following the lockdown imposed in the state since Monday.

"Several people were moving on the roads despite the restrictions. So, the state government was left with no option but to impose curfew in the entire state," he said.

Thakur urged the people to follow the instructions issued by the state and central governments and remain indoors to defeat the virus.

Kangra is the only district in the state where three coronavirus cases have been detected so far.

However, the 69-year-old man who died due to coronavirus in Kangra on Tuesday had taken lunch in a restaurant in Una on March 21. The restaurant staff has been quarantined, officials said.
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