Jammu, Aug 09: As per the call of All India Insurance Employees’ Association, Northern Zone Insurance Employees’ Association Srinagar Division represented by LIC employees of Jammu& Kashmir, held massive demonstrations today during lunch recess on 9TH August 2018 in front of LIC offices to support (Quit India Movement Day) with ‘Jail Bharo Satyagraha’ of AIKS (All India Kissan Sabha) and CITU (Centre of Indian Trade Union). Speaking on the occasion at D.O.Cell Jammu, Com. Pawan Gupta,Divisional Secretary NZIEA Srinagar Division lambasted on the NDA Govt. for its anti people, anti farmers and anti workers policies. The NDA Govt. has betrayed the farmers by not implementing the M.S Swaminathan report that says to increase the Minimum support price to one and a half times the cost on production; and also very smartly the Govt. changed the formula to calculate the cost of production adversely affecting the farmers. He said that the there has been a big increase in suicides of farmers during the tenure of the NDA Govt. This Govt. has proposed to amend the labour laws in favour of the corporates snatching the rights of the workers achieved through big struggles.
BJP led government at the centre is totally committed to neo liberal economic policies. Despite the tall talk of the spokespersons of the government, neither the intentions of the government are clean nor is its developmental agenda in the right direction. Crony capitalism being pursued by the government has made India one of the most unequal places in the world. While the apologists of the ruling classes in India are clamouring from rooftops that India had become a global super power, the facts speak otherwise. India slipped 21 places on the Global Gender Gap Index to 108, behind Bangladesh. India ranked 136 out of the total 144 countries in terms of participation of women in the economy. Despite the repeated attempts by the government to manipulate GDP growth figures, growth was faltering. The twin assaults of demonetization and GST had dealt a crippling blow to the economy, particularly to its unorganized sector. Exports were badly hit in the last four years; while imports were increasing very fast resulting in severe erosion in the value of the Indian Rupee. The comrades resolved to continue the struggle against these anti farmers and anti workers policies of the Govt. 
The demonstration at Srinagar was led by Com. A.M.Tantray, President NZIEA Srinagar Division. In Jammu region, apart from Divisional Committee member- Com.Rajesh Kumar, the demonstrations were led by Rajesh Gupta at Jammu-1, Karan Kumar Jammu-2, Nanak Chand Jammu-3, Vijay Verma at Kathua, Tilak Raj at Samba, Neeraj Khajuria at Udhampur, Ram Raj at Doda and Neeraj Sharma at Rajouri.

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