Srinagar Aug 09: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) State General Secretary (Org) Ashok Koul, while addressing the District Presidents, ULB/Panchayati District Incharges, District Prabharis, Incharge North, South and Central Kashmir advised them to get fully prepared for a good result in the Panchayati elections in the state of J&K as people of State have shown their trust on the party and now it is the time to act upon the expectations of people in order to gain majority in the state.
Ashok Koul said that it is the hardwork of the senior BJP leaders that today people of the state have an acceptance for BJP in the valley and want our party to come up with majority for peace and development and show negative approach towards others political parties that shows the hardwork being done by our leaders and is a moment of pride for the BJP
He further suggest the leaders of the party to reach to the mass through contact program and try to reach every individual in the valley listen to their genuine issues for their redressal in order building confidence and bridge the gap between the people and the party.
Referring the public dealings as important factors for a good show Kaul said we hope that party will come with flying colors in coming Panchayat elections.
Appreciating the the hardwork of Sh. Ashok Koul Dr. Narender Singh, Sunil Sharma, Surinder Ambardar & Sofi Yousif added that we have reached at a stage where we are very close to get majority and need to work a bit more to come with flying colors in the upcoming Panchayat elections adding BJP is the world’s largest party, which has spread its fan presence across the continents,” he said.
Ashok Koul also added that the other political parties in the state are projecting BJP an Anti muslim state to save their vote bank but now people have realized that BJP is the only party who really work for development, prosperity of common people and good governance, people in large numbers are joing BJP which is a clear indication that people are showing trust and want BJP come in power again in the state, also the party has done remarkable well in the previous election where BJP came up as second largest political party after PDP in the state.
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