'Societal challenges to be dealt with combined effort'
SRINAGAR, AUGUST 07: Advisor to Governor, B B Vyas Tuesday said that Civil Society Organizations (CSO) can play an important role in designing and effective implantation of government schemes and thus help in reaching out to the needy sections of the society in an efficient manner.
The Advisor to Governor was speaking at a day-long conference attended by officials of NITI Aayog, State Government and representatives of CSO's from the State.
The Advisor said that this platform provides a huge opportunity as 14 representatives of various Central Ministries and representative from State Government are available for interaction with CSOs and together they can add value to the working of government schemes.
He expressed hope that the conference will help to draw a clear roadmap for efficient implementation of Central and State government schemes.
Vyas also said that the conference gives an opportunity to listen to the voices from the other side. "These interactions make the schemes all-inclusive and addresses the primary concerns of lesser privileged classes like people from poorer sections especially women, specially-abled persons, needy children etc," he said.
The Advisor said that development is a multi-sectarian and multi-sartorial challenge and it needs combined efforts from all stakeholders to address these challenges. He said that Government Departments, NITI AAyog and CSO's should jointly address the issues and achieve the larger goal for the benefit of the society.
Vyas said that CSO's can play an important role in guiding the concerned authorities during designing and implementation process of government schemes and also help in removing any kind of bottlenecks.
During the conference, elaborate discussions were held on themes of Women empowerment, Maternal and Child Care, Children in Conflict with Law, Youth Empowerment etc between officials of NITI Ayog, Central Government, State Government and representatives of CSO’s and research students.
Various suggestions were put forward by the participants for the welfare and betterment of downtrodden sections of the society.
Special Secretary NITI Aayog during his address hailed the work done in social sector in the state. He said that J&K has registered maximum increase in social sector spending among hilly areas of our country. He also added that 24 Atal Innovation Lab’s are currently working in the State.
Principal Secretary Health and Medical Education Dr Pawan Kotwal, Commissioner Secretary Roads and Buildings Khurshid Ahmad Shah, Secretary Social Welfare Farooq A Lone, Secretary Rural Development Department Sheetal Nanda, Secretary Information Technology Saugat Biswas, Secretary Tourism and School Education Rigzian Samphael, Secretary Social Welfare Board Khalid Hussain Malik, Director General Health Kashmir Dr Saleem ur Rehman, Principal Government Medical College Srinagar Dr Samia Rashid, Commissioner for Persons for Disabilities M I Lone, Mission Director ICDS Veer Ji Hanglu,  Mission Director Women Empowerment Rifat Arif, Director School Education Kashmir GN Itoo, Director Technical Education, Executive Director Rehabilitation Council Zahoor Mir, Managing Director, JK Women’s Development Corporation, Nahid Soz, Mission Director SRLM, CEO Himayat Abdul Rashid War, Mission Director ICPS Shafat Sultan and other dignitaries attended the conference.
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