Kargil, Aug 09: BJP State President Ravinder Raina (MLA) reached out to the far-flung areas of Aryan’s Valley in Kargil, where he addressed number of rallies and meetings prompting number of youths to join BJP.
BJP State President conducted rallies at Silmo, Gargardo, Garkone and Batalik, while campaigning for the Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council (LAHDC) elections, Kargil.
It is worthwhile to notice that BJP under the leadership of Ravinder Raina has intensively campaigned for LAHDC elections, Kargil to reach every single household in the Aryan valley. The Aryan Valley is even today inhabited by the natives from Aryan race. Aryan Valley situated in the Batalik area of Kargil valley is surrounded by the huge mountains and beautiful landscape amidst the tough terrain.
Impressed with the ground level working of BJP leaders, many youths joined BJP in the presence of BJP State President, Ravinder Raina. This was also the productive result of the rallies which were conducted at every single polling booth in all the remote areas of the region.
Raina said that the only purpose of BJP is to ensure the good development of Kargil. He said that if BJP comes to the power in these elections, the Aryan’s valley will be developed into a heritage site. He said that the BJP will work upon ensuring the good electricity supply, drinking water supply, good rad connectivity, school facilities, and other infrastructure in every far-flung area of the valley.
Whereas, BJP State Vice-President & former Cabinet Minister Dr. Devinder Kumar Manyal (MLA), State General Secretary Yudhvir Sethi, State Spokesperson & former Minister Priya Sethi (MLA) area camping in the various parts of Kargil. BJP is trying hard to win the Kargil Hill Council elections. BJP is giving grass root level management for the elections. The camping by senior party leaders have given a boost to the party workers.
BJP candidates are giving tough fight to NC, Congress in these elections. BJP is contesting these elections in collaboration with independent MLA from Zanskar, Agha Syed and also supporting other independent candidates in these elections.
Raina also informed that on the 23rd of August, a mega rally will be conducted at Kargil by renowned National Shia leader & Union Minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi. He also informed that the Union Minister Nitin Gadkari will also address a rally at Zanskar valley.
BJP State President Ravinder Raina, State General Secretary (Org.) Ashok Kaul are permanently camping in the region for last 1 week and monitoring all election preparations and rallies to ensure BJP’s win all the seats contested. Raina has travelled all across the Kargil region and by Thursday evening, the State President has addressed more than 15 rallies in the region.
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