SRINAGAR, AUGUST 01: In order to streamline the system for making timely payments to the newspaper owners in lieu of the government advertisements, the Joint Director Information, Kashmir, has asked the concerned newspaper owners to ensure submission of their bills by 7th of every month.
The newspaper owners are informed that in case there is a holiday on 7th of any month, the bills be submitted on next working day positively.
The bills which would be received in the office of Joint Director Information Kashmir, Government Press Premises’, Srinagar, by 7th of every month would be entertained for payment and after that, no bills would be considered for which the newspaper owners shall be responsible, as this becomes an unnecessary liability for the department.
The Joint Director said that it has been observed that the newspaper owners submit their bills very late in the office and, obviously and don’t get processed in time which not only causes difficulties in verification but also accumulates huge pending liabilities.
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