SRINAGAR, AUG 01: The field executives of Legal Metrology Department booked two cooking gas distributors for delivering the re-fill cylinders of LPG to the consumers before weighing them on the scale. Under Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules 2011, every delivery boy of cooking gas cylinder has to keep an electronic weighing scale of 50 kg available in the van and has to weigh the cooking gas on it before supplying it to the consumer. In case, the cooking gas cylinder is lesser in weight of gas by more than 150g, the cylinder is required to be sent back to the bottling plant for re-filling.
Moreover, it was observed that the delivery-boys were distributing gas without checking the leakage of the gas valve, A penal sum of Rs.7000/- was slapped on the erring delivery boys.
The rate for 14.2 kg gas for the month of August 2018 for district Srinagar, Budgam, Pulwama and Anantnag has been fixed at Rs 914/- of which subsidy component is Rs 386/- The consumers may lodge their genuine complaints on the toll-free No 1800-180-7114 or on 0194-2490390 during office hours in case any delivery-boy overcharges on refill cylinder or delivers gas cylinder without weighing it. The consumers should also insist for weighment of gas/cash-memo/leakage checking of cylinder.
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