SRINAGAR, JULY 31: Ministry of Minority Affairs has invited online applications from the students of minority communities and those having any kind of disabilities for availing the pre and post-matric scholarships.
The implementation of the scholarship scheme will be done through the Common National Scholarship Web portal of the Government of India and can be accessed at The portal will accept application from 23 July 2018 to 15 August 2018.
According to the notification the family income of the students with any kind of disability (above 40 percent) should be in the range of Rs 2.50 lakh to Rs 6 lakh depending on the type of the scholarship. 
With regards to meritorious students from minority communities, the family income of such students should be in the range of Rs 1 lakh to Rs 2.50 lakhs depending on the type of scholarship the student wants to avail.
All universities, institutes, colleges, schools located in Kashmir province who have not registered themselves have been advised to register themselves and their course details on the National Scholarship portal by 15 August 2018 so that their students can apply and they can verify such applications on the portal without any delay.
For further details the students are advised to visit the National scholarship
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