The all-important event was organized under the banner of Rashtriya Bal Swastha Karyakaram of Jammu & Kashmir Health Department. The event was inaugurated by Mrs. Sheetal Anthony, Principal of the school. A team (RBSK Team - B) comprising of two doctors namely Dr. Sandhya Sharma and Dr. Anmol Chandan (Medical Officers) and Mrs. Sheenu Khajuria (ANM) under the guidance of BMO Dr. Rajinder Kumar Jangral headed the camp. The renowned doctors made full use of this opportunity to dispense their valued advice across various disciplines in front of the students and create general health awareness.
The medical team well equipped with the essential devices for the whole body check-up that included dental hygiene, eye sight test, height and weight, growth pattern etc, thoroughly checked the mental and physical health status of the lilliputians. The remarks regarding the general body health of the tiny tots along with medical advice were recorded in a health record for the parents to follow up.
Mrs. Sheetal Anthony, lauded the efforts of the team of doctors and expressed her deepest gratitude towards them for providing support towards holding the crucial camp. The team, on behalf of the J&K Health Department, thanked the school for hosting the camp. In all, this human endeavour was well received and appreciated by the parents of the students and it was hoped by the government department as well as parents that such camps will be continued to be hosted in future too.
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