Jammu, May 03: Chairman cum Managing Director of National Scheduled Castes Finance & Development Corporation (NSFDC), Shyam Kapoor, who was in winter capital for three days, inspected small units in Katra and Jammu city, which are being financed by Jammu and Kashmir Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes Development Corporation Limited and interacted with these beneficiaries belonging to the Scheduled Caste category.
The CMD also visited the Head Office of the Corporation at Gandhi Nagar, Jammu and had meeting with the Vice Chairperson Balbir Ram Rattan, wherein he was apprised of the working of this channelizing agency of the Apex Corporation and also the issues related to the smooth functioning of the Corporation were taken up. It was stressed upon in the meeting of the VC and the CMD that the Corporation should go for wider publicity of the welfare schemes through awareness camps so that maximum people are able to avail the benefits of the welfare schemes.
Shyam Kapoor further stressed upon that the Corporation should identify more and more beneficiaries and help them in establishing some bigger units as per their comfort and capability as the union government has no paucity of funds for the socio-economic upliftment of the weaker sections.

In Jammu city, Shyam Kapoor, along with Vice Chairperson Balbir Ram Rattan, Assistant General Manager Dr. K.C. Mahto, Jammu District Manager, Joginder Paul Atri and Assistant Accounts Officer, Sanjiv Dogra, visited a beauty parlour set up by an unemployed woman in Trikuta Nagar and another Musical Instruments Shop in Janipur area of the city.
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