Calls for setting up separate cells at admin level to deal with PILs

Minister for Law, Justice & Parliamentary Affairs, Syed Basharat Bukhari, today directed officers to intensify work culture in the department for speedy disposal of all the pending cases.
He also stressed on the identification of important cases for proper monitoring by the Department of Law.
The Minister said this during a meeting convened by him here at Legislative Assembly Complex, which was also attended by Minister of State for, Law & Justice, Ajay Nanda, Secretary Law, Abdul Majid, senior officers of Law department, and legal assistants working in different departments.
Bukhari directed the officers that the developmental court cases should be taken seriously by the officers and they should be contested on priority. He said that cases which can be settled at departmental level instead of contested in courts be identified and settled amicably.
The Minister directed that separate cells should be constituted at the administrative level to deal with the PIL cases at an earliest.
He also has sought performance report of the law officers representing the state government departments in the Jammu and Srinagar wings of the High Court. The Minister directed to furnish the performance report to the Secretary before May 15, 2018.
He emphasized on the identification of cases having huge financial implications and chronic service disputes pending for a considerable long period in which interim directions passed are required to be pursued vigorously and special attention to be given towards the cases in which interim directions have been passed having an impact on the developmental activities undertaken by the state.
On the occasion, Ajay Nanda asked the officials for filling of replies/responses by Departments in the Court in time bound manner. He directed the officers to keep a close liaison with the office of Advocate General with regard to cases pursued by him and with the Advocate concerned with regard to the other cases so that necessary action is taken in time.
Both the ministers also inspected various sections of Legislative Council and also held interaction with the staff after reopening of Darbar move offices in Srinagar.

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