Mumbai, Mar 24: The Maharashtra Government’s decision to ban plastic bags, pouches, beverage bottles etc is expected to affect direct employment of nearly two lakh people and indirect employment of over 4.5 lakh, including traders and recyclers, even as plastic manufacturers’ bodies have sought some time before implementing the ban.
The representatives of the All India Plastics Manufacturers’ Association, the Thermoformers and Allied Industries Association and the Maharashtra Plastics Manufacturers Association are planning to meet State Environment Minister Ramdas Kadam and discuss the situation arising out of the proposed ban.
Speaking to reporters on Friday, President of the Thermoformers and Allied Industries Harshit Mehta said that the government has given a time of three to four months to those manufacturing plastic bottles. As such similar time should be given also to those engaged in manufacturing plastic bags etc so that a via media can be worked out. The manufacturers are prepared to participate in Extended Producers’ Responsibility (EPR) to ensure that no plastic garbage is in seen on the streets. There are over 3,000 manufacturers of plastic bags in Maharashtra.
“The government should work out an alternative. The use of paper bags will automatically encourage cutting of trees. Any new activity will require more water. The government should think about all these issues, before implementing the ban,” he added.
“Recently stocks of plastic and thermocol items were seized from some shops in Pune and the owners were fined. They are in a dilemma since their stocks were sealed and they were fined without any prior warning or intimation” Mehta stated.
The All India Plastics Manufacturers Association (AIPMA)’s Environment and Recycling Committee Chairman, Akhilesh Bhargava, said the ban will completely or partially shut all affiliated industries like, food, pharma, medical, garment, retail chain, etc., leading to massive unemployment. The Maharashtra government willalso lose revenue since the manufacturers may shift to other states.
As such the government should carry out proper Environment Impact Assessment and Life Cycle Analysis, before implementing or phasing out plastic.
“The Maharashtra Government has budgeted Rs 5 crore to provide free cloth bags to its citizens. This is a sign of bias towards the plastic industry, which is a prospering industry and contributes about 30 per cent of India’s GDP and around 35 per cent of Maharasthra’s GDP,” Bhargava said.
The Plastics Manufacturers Social Welfare Association President, Jagannath V Kamath, said the plastic industry size in Maharashtra is close to 2,150 units with direct employment of around 2 lakh people and indirect employment of nearly 4.5 lakh, including traders, recyclers, etc. As it is GST has badly affected the industry and now this ban will bring down the curtain on the plastic manufacturing industry.
The western state is among the largest generators of plastic waste in the country at 30 per cent. The use of plastic bags, single-use disposable items such as cups, straws, plates, forks, spoons and spreadsheets has now been prohibited. As a result, retailers and consumers are feeling the heat of the move. Under the circumstances the dairy and beverage companies are planning to formalise informal recycling initiatives, currently part of the firms’ corporate social responsibility. UNI
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