JAMMU, MARCH 13: Governor N.N. Vohra, Chancellor of Sher-e- Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology-Jammu, has congratulated Dr. Pradeep. K. Sharma, Vice Chancellor of the  University, and his colleagues for the University securing the second position among the 73 State Farm Universities in the country consequent to its students securing 8 Veterinary & Fisheries Sciences Post Graduate Scholarships during the Indian Council of Agricultural Researchs AIEEA-PG-2017 online counselling.
Relevant to mention that the Indian Council of Agricultural Research has introduced four programme-category-based awards: (i) Agricultural Sciences (ii) Horticulture & Forestry (iii) Engineering and Technology (iv) Veterinary & Fisheries Sciences for the Agricultural Universities of the country.
Governor has wished high success to the students, who have won Scholarship, in all their future endeavours and urged the University to continue striving for achieving the highest standards of excellence in teaching and learning.

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