Jammu, Mar 28: On handing over the loan sanction letters under Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) scheme of the National Backward Classes Finance Development Corporation (NBCFDC), New Delhi, to the unemployed members of the Backward Community, Jammu and Kashmir Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes & Backward Classes Development Corporation, Vice Chairperson, Balbir Ram Rattan, stressed upon these beneficiaries to make best possible  use of the financial assistance availed by them so that others get employment in their small units and are in a position to earn livelihood.
Balbir Ram Rattan, who handed over these letters to Ravinder Kour and Parveen Kumar for rupees two lakh and one lakh respectively, in presence of Corporation District Manager Joginder Paul Atri and social activist Rekha Mahajan, said that the prime objective of the Corporation is to help the unemployed persons of the weaker sections to become self reliant by setting up own earning units as per their capability and desire.
“While the SC, ST, BC Development Corporation helps one beneficiary to be an earner, in many cases such people provide employment to others, which is indeed a matter of pride for  Corporation as it is indirectly proving to be an employer”, Balbir said and added that the people who avail the loan facility should help others in becoming self reliant.
The VC also appealed these beneficiaries to be regular in paying back the monthly instalment of the loan availed by them.
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