New Delhi, Nov 20: The Government is all set to cross the halfway mark in achieving its target, set a year ago, of constructing one crore houses by March 31 2019.
The Ministry of Rural Development said here on Monday that 51 lakh of these houses would be ready by March 31 next year. The targets had been set under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Gramin) exactly one year ago. As many as 55.85 lakh houses have already been sanctioned and work was under progress. The use of Socio Economic Census (SECC 2011), validation by Gram Sabha and use of space technology for geo-tagging has ensured that there are least inclusion errors and it is only the homeless and those living in one kuccha room with kuccha roof or two kuccha rooms with kuccha roof are the beneficiaries of this pro-poor programme, the Ministry said. Nearly 30 lakh of these houses have reached roof level of construction and 15 lakh of these houses are at finalisation level. As of today, 9.03 lakh houses have already been completed. It is expected that 10 lakh PMAY-G homes will be completed by November 30, 15 lakh houses by December 31 this year and 25 lakh houses, by January, 35 lakh houses by February 28 and 51 lakh houses by March 31 next year.  States like Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Rajasthan and West Bengal have completed a large number of houses. New designs, local construction material, use of technology through rural mason training, geo-tagging of assets and payment directly into the account of beneficiary through IT-DBT platform have ensured transparent, hassle-free and quality programme implementation, the Ministry said. The homes are designed by the best of institutions after studying the existing local design typologies and are constructed by beneficiaries as per their need. These homes are not only changing the rural landscape but also bringing about a social transformation in villages across the country. The homes are equipped with facilities like toilet, LPG connection, electricity connection, safe drinking water among others. UNI
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