Takes stock of arrangements in place for Milad

ANANTNAG, NOVEMBER 20: The Minister of State for Hajj & Auqaf, Syed Farooq Ahmad Andrabi today chaired a meeting of the officers here at Verinag to review the performance of different sectors and the arrangements made for the celebration of Eid Milad un Nabi (S.A.W).
The District Development Commissioner Anantnag, Mohammed Younus Malik give a detailed description of the budget outlay for the year 2017-18 and expenditure made under different schemes and sectors. It was given out that 80% of the availability of Rs 106 crores has been spent while as the total approved outlay of the district for 2017-18 amounts to Rs 205 crores.
Under R&B sector it was given out that a total length of 59.90 KM of road-length have been macadamized in the constituency during 2017-18. In addition, works to the tune of Rs 12 crore are under execution out of which grade 2nd level has been completed on Ladoora-Kalmund Road, Dalwach-Mandi Pora Road whileas work is going on Nowpora Shangran road and Nowgam Circular Road.
Under NABARD, the department is executing works on R. Khushi Pora road and the construction of Tanjore Bridge. So far, 3 kilometres out of 5 kms of the road-length of Khushi Pora Road has been macadamised.
The Minister also reviewed the performance of RDD sector. It was given out that 10564 are the job card holders in the Dooru constituency and so far 70528 person days have been generated. In Shahbad block, 110 works have been taken up. In Hillar block, works worth Rs 1 store has already been taken up while as in Verinag block, works worth Rs 2 crores are in the execution process.
Meanwhile, the minister directed for expediting the work execution and called for rationalization of work allotments in the team panchayats so that holistic development is ensured. He directed the BDOs to prepare DPR of lanes and drains of Larkipora-Kapran road on priority basis. The Minister also reviewed the performance under 14th Finance Commission awards, Swachch Bharat Mission and Integrated Watershed Development Project.
 He also sought for re-verification of the households lacking toilet facilities, which have hitherto been excluded from the Socio-economic Caste Census 2011 so that due measures are taken to make Hillar block open defecation free.
The Chief Education Officer appraised the chair that 3 buildings under state sector are under execution in the constituency including HSS Verinag and Lukbawan. He also informed that land has been identified at Bakerwal Chek for construction of school building.
With respect to HSS Hakura, the concerned Tehsildar was directed to submit the revenue extracts to the Education Department so that work execution is taken up.
The Chief Medical Officer said that adequate facilities shall be developed at Model Hospital Dooru which will cater to the population of the area. Besides, he informed that adequate number of medicines is available at the PHCs.
The Minister also reviewed the power and water supply position. He was informed that PDD is adhering to the power curtailment schedules. The Exen PHE said that upgradation work on WSS Dooru shall take two another months for completion. Besides, 4 water supply schemes are under execution in the constituency. He directed the concerned Exen to ensure the early completion of water supply scheme for the Bakerwal Chek.
He also directed the DFO to ensure adequate dumping of firewood so that people do not suffer during winter months. Besides, AD FCS&CA was directed to ensure the adequate dumping of LPG and rations in the upper belt of Dooru constituency.
The performance of other departments like Agriculture, Horticulture, Forests, Industries, Animal and Sheep Husbandry and other departments were also reviewed.
Later, the Minister also reviewed the preparations made for the celebration of Eid Milad un Nabi (S.A.W). He directed the SE PDD to ensure that generators are kept in the back up at the shrines during these auspicious days. He also directed him to get the transformers repaired at an earliest, if the case be.
The Exen PHE Qazigund was also directed to mobilise the field functionaries to ensure the potable water availability round the clock.  Besides, arrangements for keeping water tankers available at the shrines and mosques need to be kept in the backup.
The EOs of the municipalities were directed to maintain cleanliness around the shrines and mosques, besides, the lanes and drains.  Besides, they were directed to repair the street lamps so that devotees do not face any inconvenience.
AD FCS&CA was also directed to ensure the distribution of rice, sugar and kerosene among the consumers. The DR Fire & Emergency was also directed to keep the fire tenders available.
Meanwhile, CHI was also directed go keep the ambulance vans available at the shrines besides, the availability of doctors, paramedics and necessary medicines.

The meeting was attended by SEs of R&B and PDD, General Manager District Industries Centre, SDM Dooru, Exens of R&B, PDD, PHE, I&FC and RDD, ACD, CEO, CMO, CHO, Chief Agriculture Officer, Chief Animal Husbandry Officer, CEO Social Forestry, AD FCS&CA, Tehsildar Dooru, BDOs of Hillar, Shahabad and Verinag, EOs of municipalities, other district officers and filed officers.
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