Jammu , September-12 : Chairman Shri Sanatan Dharam Natak Samaj (SDNS), Dewan Mandir and State BJP Vice President Yudhvir Sethi today took review of preparedness in the complex and expressed his pleasure over the pace of development going on along with Parmodh Sharma Executive Engineer Tourisum and other official of Tourisum,, President (SDNS) Anil Massom, Satpaul Sharma (Gen Secretary S.D.N.S), Gurdas Kumar and other committee member.. He noted that plastering of auditorium is almost complete, beautification of park is going on and street lights have all been repaired besides beautification of entire Dewan Mandir complex is being carried out to prepare ground for holding annual Ramleela.
Speaking on the occasion, he informed that the 153 years old Ram Leela that is performed during holy Navratras in the premises of Shri Sanatan Dharam Natak Samaj (SDNS), Dewan Mandir, Jammu will for the first time step out of this complex and the artists will perform in Katra to add to the festivity. The artists, many of whom are performing for the past over 40 years will display their talent at Katra for bigger audiences.
Yudhvir Sethi said that Ramleela of Dewan Mandir is quite historic and its artists have perfected the art. ‘this is for the first time that the SDNS decided to take this art performance to bigger audiences at show the world how beautifully Ramleela is Performed. The costumes, scripts, sets, special effects, Bhajans and other special effects of this very Ramleela is appreciated widely and now it will be performed in Katra for the world audiences.
Chairman, SDNS, Yudhvir Sethi, extended invitation to all irrespective of caste, creed and religion to become a part of the religious event and witness world famous Ramleela being performed in Katra. It will be performed in Katra for two days beginning September 22 and on the concluding days special shows will also be performed. He said a number of National and International level artists and singers will participate, act and sing on the stage to depict various chapters and characters of Ramayana.
Sethi said that one of the distinguished features of Ramleela is that the characters are played not only by Hindus but Muslims too have been part of the Natak Samaj for decades. He also disclosed that special prayers will be performed before commencement of Ramleela both at Katra as well as Jammu.
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