RAMBAN, SEPTEMBER 12: The pace of progress on projects being funded under Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS) and Constituency Development Fund (CDF) was reviewed here today at meeting of concerned departments.
District Development Commissioner, Tariq Hussain Ganai chaired the meeting of district and sectoral officers and took work wise review of Physical and Financial progress of projects for which funds have been provided by MP, MLAs and MLCs out of their constituency development fund. . 
The meeting was attended by CPO Uttam Singh, CMO Saif-u-Din Khan, CEO, Chander Shaker, Xen PWD, SS Andi, Xen PDD, Habib Choudhary, ACD, GH Kripak and officers of various departments.
Reviewing the progress of the development works taken up this year under MPLADS, the DC stressed on adherence of quality and other guidelines and timely completion.
He sought detailed resume of status of work from the departments executing various MPLADS projects. He also called for speeding up of ongoing works and timely submission of utilization certificates. 
Meanwhile, progress of works taken up under funds provided out of CDF of Members of Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council of different constituencies was also discussed in detail by DDC.

He directed for videography and photography of works both pre and post execution for effective monitoring and assessing pace of work.
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