DPS organizes annual IT event Techknow

          SRINAGAR, SEPTEMBER 12: Minister for Science Technology, ARI Trainings and Social Welfare, Sajad Gani Lone today asked the students to keep pace with the new technological innovations happening in the world.
          The Minister was speaking at an annual IT event Techknow organized by Cyber Crew, IT Club of Delhi Public School, Athwajan, Srinagar.
          Secretary School Education Farooq Ahmad Shah, Director Information and Public Relations JK, Muneer-ul-Islam and Chairman, Delhi Public School, Vijay Dhar were present on the occasion.
Addressing the gathering, Lone said IT has made unprecedented advances that can help us to expand our knowledge, adding such events provide a clear view of opportunities and challenges of an increasingly connected world to students.
          The Minster said that Science Technology is having an enormous influence on global economy, adding that the latest innovations have revolutionized the nature of human interaction and have become mover for services. Information Technology and Science Technology are becoming the most important drivers of the global economy.
Technology is like a coin which has both positive and negative sides said the Minister. We have option to decide for how to use it.
 He said if we use it for positive things, it will have positive effect on our lives and vice versa. The Minister said that nobody would oppose the development of technologies in any sector, but the developments should be in a positive way having no negative impact on present or future generations.
Sajad Lone also appreciated the school management, staff and students for their achievements and said private schools including Delhi Public School are playing an incredible role in providing quality education to the students of Valley. He said private schools supplementing Government schools are doing a great service towards the cause of society. He said schools are revered as sacred places in our society as they shape the future of a nation and impart quality education to students must be our prime concern.
          Addressing the gathering the Secretary Education Farooq Ahmad Shah said that latest research in computer science is not limited to business, gadget, IT, space, and education, but it also means better health, more knowledge and more power.
          Speaking on the occasion the Director Information and Public Relations, Muneer-ul-Islam lauded the role of the school for organizing the event. He said such events imbibe quality education among the young minds.         
The Director called upon the students to build confidence among themselves, and said that science and technology enables people to live in an easy and modern way of life which has opened the doors of new opportunities and allows people to enter into a new world which is fully developed and well civilized.
He informed that the DIPR is organizing a 15-day workshop in cinematography at the auditorium of the office in October this year. He asked the management of the school to send the aspiring students for participation in the workshop.
          Later Chairman, Delhi Public School Vijay Dhar speaking on the occasion said that the institution will offer short term and long term courses in Information and Science Technology to the students of government schools also. He asked the government functionaries to depute the students especially from far flung areas to Delhi Public School for technology courses for which the institution will provide all facilities to them.
          Earlier, the Minister also visited the Visually Impaired Centre set up for the disabled students in the Computer Museum. The Minister interacted with the visually impaired students of the school. He hailed the management of the school for providing such facilities for the visually impaired. The Minister was apprised that the School management is offering 6 months course for visually impaired.

          Latter, the Minister distributed certificates among the co-partners including  HK Cements, Sharp Sight Group of Hospitals, Rising Kashmir Newspaper, 92.7 Big FM and the students of Cyber Crew of the School.
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